SunCrest Public Works Station Meeting Recap (3/26/14)
Draper City staff on hand began the meeting by having poster boards of the site renderings, site plan, and estimated costs of the building. A brief introduction and history of the proposed works station was given. 1.7 million of the TRSSD funds have already been appropriated for this project should they decide to move forward with the SunCrest architectural design approved option. Draper City explained the less aesthetic option ($290k) is typically what is used in other cities (American Fork was used as an example). Draper City staff explained the benefits of having the Public Works Station up here would reduce travel time, reduce man-hours, faster service, safety, and convenience (among others).
From 100-125 residents in attendance, questions were asked about the facility, among them:
• What alternatives have been explored versus spending a large amount of money? 1.7 million can only be spent once. With an estimated 21-year turn around, what other alternatives were considered? I.E. Buying another truck, hiring another full time employee, etc… No cost benefit analysis was provided at the meeting.
• Why do we even need this? Most residents in attendance complemented Draper City’s efforts for both this year and previous years and felt like the current service is acceptable. No analysis or data was provided at the meeting showing complaint calls, accident related issues, estimated reduction in current man hours, reduced fuel savings, etc…
• What other areas were considered? Draper City explained that this was the best location for this facility among the others considered. No other site plans or analyses of alternative locations were available at the meeting.
• Why would such a structure be built on known landslide area? The proposed area is known potential landslide area. Residential homes cannot be built here because of this. Because the building would be a “non occupied” building, this structure could be allowed. As mentioned, no other site plans were presented or available at the meeting.
• Is a fuel tank in a FireWise community area the best option? Draper City and SunCrest residents have recently gone through a FireWise program to help SunCrest be less susceptible to wildfires spreading. Many residents felt putting a 1,000-gallon fuel tank would be counter intuitive to recent efforts.
• Should a special service district pay for this? Would Draper City use any public funds to reduce the investment by the TRSSD tax paying citizens?
• Is this a conflict of interest? If Draper City owns the land and the TRSSD owns the structure, what happens going forward?
The meeting was continually repeated as an information-gathering meeting. Draper City staff indicated public comment would be considered and presented to Draper City officials. If you were unable to attend, you can submit comments online at